
BlipJoy, LLC was founded in September 2021 to provide digital entertainment and technical expertise. The company is operated by a single member, Jay Oster, who is no stranger to wearing multiple hats like this lovely fedora.
When not busy managing the company, Jay is programming, composing music, doing 2D and 3D art, designing, or writing content for his next big game. He enjoys educating, collaborating, and helping others to realize their full potential. Jay is 💯% always serious and never goofs off. Jay also talks about himself in the third person to appear as though he is important enough for other people to write about.
Mission Statement
Always strive for a goal just beyond your reach. BlipJoy's goal is making everyone a better game developer. Independent game devs struggle, often between learning how to make a game (which is hard!) and finding the time to do it between real life obligations. Jay often donates his time to helping new devs and contributing to open source tools and game engines to make a positive impact.
There will be no BlipJoy without games to hold it up. The company is actively researching and focusing efforts on a new title anticipated for a Q1 2023 early access launch. No details are available at this time, but following BlipJoy on social media is the best way to stay in touch.
Please send all inquiries to [email protected].